CBD is Not Addictive According to WHO

Most people have probably heard stories about weed not being addictive, but recently actual scientific evidence has come to light to support the claim. It might not seem like a huge breakthrough, but the World Health Organization (WHO) have recently published a report on CBD, one of the compounds found in marijuana plants. And its great news – the WHO has concluded that CBD isn’t dangerous or addictive.


The fact that the WHO has released such a statement is a monumental step forward in the fight against the negative stigma surrounding cannabis use and will most definitely help to dissipate myths and misunderstandings about the plant. The organization itself is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with public health and because of this, its word is typically received as bond. Essentially, this means that more people will be beginning to accept cannabis – or at least, CBD – as a viable form of medicine.


CBD is, second to THC, the most plentiful cannabinoid in marijuana – it’s also a non-psychoactive element, which means it doesn’t deliver anything that could be interpreted as a ‘high.’ Because it doesn’t really produce any of these effects, it’s a perfect option for medical professionals to prescribe to patients and is increasing rapidly in popularity. The cannabinoid is known to combat all kinds of ailments, from skin conditions to chemotherapy pain, and so it isn’t difficult to see why it is gaining so much traction.


The WHO report is a completely unbiased document based purely on scientific research and so, if you’ve any interest, I urge you to read it after you finish this article. There are sections which explore CBD’s addiction and abuse which are incredibly interesting, and totally combat all of the myths about CBD being an addictive substance – hopefully, coming from such an influential organization, this will help to increase acceptance and legalization.


All in all, this report is an amazing thing for the cannabis industry and its community, because it will nudge lots of countries in the right direction, ensuring they at least consider looking over their own cannabis legislation. Nothing is certain, but this news is definitely promising.

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